Results for 'Alasdair Mac Intyre'

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  1. Absential Locations and the Figureless Ground.Clare Mac Cumhaill - 2018 - Sartre Studies International 24 (1):34-47.
    When Sartre arrives late to meet Pierre at a local establishment, he discovers not merely that Pierre is absent, but Pierre’s absence, where this depends, or so Sartre notoriously supposes, on a frustrated expectation that Pierre would be seen at that place. Many philosophers have railed against this view, taking it to entail a treatment of the ontology of absence that Richard Gale describes as ‘attitudinal’ – one whereby absences are thought to ontologically depend on psychological attitudes. In this paper, (...)
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  2. A Typology of Moral Conversion.Alfredo Mac Laughlin - 2009 - Lonergan Workshop 23:275-306.
    This paper expands on the notion of "moral conversion" (advanced by Bernard Lonergan but underdeveloped in his work) by developing a typology that uses two "cross-hatching" criteria. First, it distinguishes between moral conversions that have to do with a person's relation to moral obligation, good and evil, and between moral conversions that have to do with how a person regards the question of happiness and the meaning of life. Secondly, it distinguishes between conversions regarding the _content_ (what is good/evil or (...)
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  3. Getting the measure of Murdoch's Good.Clare Mac Cumhaill - 2020 - European Journal of Philosophy 28 (1):235-247.
    I offer a reading of Murdoch's conception of concrete universality as it appears in 'The Idea of Perfection', the first essay in the Sovereignty of Good. I show that it has British Idealist overtones that are inflected by Wittgenstein, a thought I try to illuminate by drawing an analogy with Wittgenstein's discussion of the metre stick in Paris in Philosophical Investigations §50. In the last part of the paper, I appeal to the work of Murdoch's erstwhile tutor Donald MacKinnon to (...)
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  4. Các nhân tố ảnh hưởng việc ra quyết định đạo đức của kiểm toán viên tại các doanh nghiệp kiểm toán Việt Nam.Mạc Xuân Dũng, Nguyễn Văn Dĩnh, Nguyễn Thị Thu Tuyền, Đặng Ngọc Tú & Đặng Trường Thịnh - 2024 - Kinh Tế Và Dự Báo.
    Thông qua kết quả khảo sát đối với 148 người đang hoạt động tại các doanh nghiệp kiểm toán (DNKT), chi nhánh DNKT trên địa bàn TP. Hồ Chí Minh, bài viết nhằm kiểm định và đánh giá các nhân tố ảnh hưởng đến việc ra quyết định đạo đức của kiểm toán viên (KTV) tại các DNKT. Kết quả nghiên cứu cho thấy, có 3 nhân tố có ảnh hưởng đến việc ra quyết định đạo đức của KTV tại (...)
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  5. Narratives of Hope: A Philosophical Study of Moral Conversion.Alfredo Mac Laughlin - 2008 - Dissertation, Loyola University, Chicago
    This work explores the philosophical implications of moral conversion: the fact that, at some point in their lives, people may change their deep-seated convictions, attitudes and patterns of action regarding moral matters in rather unexpected and surprising ways. The fact of moral conversion and the common characteristics of the process are established through the analysis of a compilation of stories of moral conversion from various sources and settings. This analysis yields the definition of conversion as an “existential change” in the (...)
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  6. Hope and Wonder in the Wasteland: Post-Apocalyptic Fiction as Tolkienian Fairy Story.Alfredo Mac Laughlin - 2022 - Journal of Tolkien Research 14 (2).
    J. R. R. Tolkien’s four functions of fantasy stories, as developed in his Andrew Lang lecture “On Fairy Stories” (1939), have become a key conceptual tool for discussing human beings’ attraction to fantasy stories, particularly when attempting to push the analysis beyond the literary into the aesthetic, and beyond the aesthetic into the existential. Applying this interpretive key to an analysis of the expanding genre of post-apocalyptic fiction reveals that post-apocalyptic stories, despite superficial differences, are surprisingly close to fairy stories (...)
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  7. Cohen, G. A. Why Not Socialism? Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2009 . Pp. 83. $14.95 (cloth).Alasdair MacIntyre - 2010 - Ethics 120 (2):391-395.
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  8. Difficulties in Christian Belief.Alasdair C. MacIntyre - 1960 - Philosophy 35 (134):278-278.
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  9. Night Fight.Clare Mac Cumhaill - 2017 - In Hichem Naar & Fabrice Teroni (eds.), The Ontology of Emotions. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 187-208.
    In this paper, I explore a noted empirical link between regret and insomnia. Drawing on Brian O’Shaughnessy analysis of wakeful consciousness, I sketch three candidate ways of excavating a conceptual connection. Regret involves a certain kind of temporal orientation that, for O’Shaughnessy, only the state of wakefulness makes possible. Regret involves mental activity – it is productive of and precipitates patterns of counterfactual thought and imagining. Further, picking up a cue from Bernard Williams’ celebrated conception of agent-regret in ‘Moral Luck’, (...)
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  10. The Seven Deadly Sins Today.Alasdair MacIntyre, Stanford M. Lyman & Henry Fairlie - 1979 - Hastings Center Report 9 (2):28.
    Book reviewed in this article: The Seven Deadly Sins: Society and Evil. By Stanford M. Lyman. The Seven Deadly Sins Today. By Henry Fairlie.
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  11. Charles Taylor and dramatic narrative: Argument and genre.Alasdair MacIntyre - 2018 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 44 (7):761-763.
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  12. Faith and Logic.Alasdair MacIntyre - 1959 - Philosophical Quarterly 9 (34):90-91.
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  13. Nonsense and Visual Evanescence.Clare Mac Cumhaill - 2018 - In Thomas Crowther & Clare Mac Cumhaill (eds.), Perceptual Ephemera. New York, NY: Oxford University Press. pp. 289-311.
    I introduce a perceptual phenomenon so far overlooked in the philosophical literature: ‘visual evanescence’. ‘Evanescent’ objects are those that due to their structured visible appearances have a tendency to vanish or evanesce from sight at certain places and for certain ‘biologically apt’ perceivers. Paradigmatically evanescent objects are those associated with certain forms of animal camouflage. I show that reflection on visual evanescence helps create conceptual room for a treatment of looks statements not explicit in the contemporary literature, one which takes (...)
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  14. The Semantics of Entailment.Alasdair Ian Fenton Urquhart - 1973 - Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh
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  15. Sensation and the Grammar of Life: Anscombe’s Procedure and her Purpose.Clare Mac Cumhaill & Rachael Wiseman - 2021 - In Heather Logue & Louise Richardson (eds.), Purpose and Procedure in Philosophy of Perception. New York: Oxford University Press.
    Anscombe’s published writings, lectures and notes on sensation point toward a sophisticated critique of sense-data, representationalist and direct realist theories of perception (in both their historical and contemporary forms), and a novel analysis of the concept of sensation. Her philosophy of perception begins with the traditional question, ‘What are the objects of sensation?’, but the response is a grammatical rather than ontological enquiry. What, she asks, are the characteristics of the grammatical object of sensation verbs? Anscombe’s answer is: sensation verbs (...)
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  16. Depicting Human Form.Clare Mac Cumhaill - 2020 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement 87:151-167.
    This paper involves constructive exegesis. I consider the contrast between morality and art as sketched in Philippa Foot's 1972 paper of the same name, ‘Morality and Art’. I then consider how her views might have shifted against the background of the conceptual landscape afforded by Natural Goodness, though the topic of the relation of art and morality is not explicitly explored in that work. The method is to set out some textual fragments from Natural Goodness that can be arranged for (...)
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  17. Raum and ‘Room’: Comments on Anton Marty on Space Perception.Clare Mac Cumhaill - 2019 - In Giuliano Bacigalupo & Hélène Leblanc (eds.), Anton Marty and Contemporary Philosophy. Cham: Palgrave. pp. 121-152.
    I consider the first part of Marty’s Raum und Zeit, which treats of both the nature of space and spatial perception. I begin by sketching two charges that Marty raises against Kantian and Brentanian conceptions of space (and spatial perception) respectively, before detailing what I take to be a characteristically Martyan picture of space perception, though set against the backdrop of contemporary philosophy of perception. Marty has it that spatial relations are non-real but existent, causally inert relations that are grounded (...)
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  18. Paracomplete logics which are dual to the paraconsistent logics L3A and L3B.Alejandro Hernández-Tello, Verónica Borja-Macı́as & Marcelo E. Coniglio - 2020 - LANMR 2019: Proceedings of the 12th Latin American Workshop on Logic/Languages, Algorithms and New Methods of Reasoning.
    In 2016 Beziau, introduce a more restricted concept of paraconsistency, namely the genuine paraconsistency. He calls genuine paraconsistent logic those logic rejecting φ, ¬φ |- ψ and |- ¬(φ ∧ ¬φ). In that paper the author analyzes, among the three-valued logics, which of these logics satisfy this property. If we consider multiple-conclusion consequence relations, the dual properties of those above mentioned are: |- φ, ¬φ, and ¬(ψ ∨ ¬ψ) |- . We call genuine paracomplete logics those rejecting the mentioned properties. (...)
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  19. Contingency, Irony, and Solidarity by Richard Rorty. [REVIEW]Alasdair Macintyre - 1990 - Journal of Philosophy 87 (12):708-711.
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  20. (2 other versions)Toward a Theory of Medical Fallibility.Samuel Gorovitz & Alasdair MacIntyre - 1975 - Hastings Center Report 5 (6):13.
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  21. Sartre by Peter Caws. [REVIEW]Alasdair MacIntyre - 1983 - Journal of Philosophy 80 (12):813-817.
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  22. Review of Tetsuo Najita: Visions of Virtue in Tokugawa Japan: The Kaitokudō Merchant Academy of Osaka. [REVIEW]Alasdair MacIntyre - 1988 - Ethics 98 (3):587-588.
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  23. Mac Lane, Bourbaki, and Adjoints: A Heteromorphic Retrospective.David Ellerman - manuscript
    Saunders Mac Lane famously remarked that "Bourbaki just missed" formulating adjoints in a 1948 appendix (written no doubt by Pierre Samuel) to an early draft of Algebre--which then had to wait until Daniel Kan's 1958 paper on adjoint functors. But Mac Lane was using the orthodox treatment of adjoints that only contemplates the object-to-object morphisms within a category, i.e., homomorphisms. When Samuel's treatment is reconsidered in view of the treatment of adjoints using heteromorphisms or hets (object-to-object morphisms between objects in (...)
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    Alasdair Macintyre e o Emotivismo Moral: Caracterização, Críticas e Controvérsias.Anderson Paz - 2022 - Revista Kínesis 14:22-33.
    O presente texto tem o objetivo de apresentar a caracterização e crítica de Alasdair MacIntyre ao emotivismo moral, como também as posteriores controvérsias entre Waller-Unwin e John Lemos. Busca-se apresentar a leitura de MacIntyre sobre o emotivismo moral presente no último capítulo de A Short History of Ethics, suas críticas a essa concepção ética nos capítulos dois e três de After Virtue, os argumentos de Bruce Waller e Nicholas Unwin em defesa de uma reformulação do emotivismo moral e as (...)
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  25. Reconceptualising teaching as transformative practice: Alasdair MacIntyre in the South African context.Dominic Griffiths & Maria Prozesky - 2020 - Journal of Education 2 (79):4-17.
    In its ideal conception, the post-apartheid education landscape is regarded as a site of transformation that promotes democratic ideals such as citizenship, freedom, and critical thought. The role of the educator is pivotal in realising this transformation in the learners she teaches, but this realisation extends beyond merely teaching the curriculum to the educator herself, as the site where these democratic ideals are embodied and enacted. The teacher is thus centrally placed as a moral agent whose behaviour, in the classroom (...)
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  26. Review: Metaphysical Animals, by Mac Cumhaill & Wiseman. [REVIEW]Katharina Nieswandt - 2022 - Zeitschrift Für Ethik Und Moralphilosophie 5 (2):231–235.
    Mac Cumhaill and Wiseman’s book about the formative years of four influential female philosophers is well-researched and timely, appearing shortly after Lipscomb’s (2022) on the same topic. They describe the lives of Elizabeth Anscombe, Philippa Foot, Mary Midgley and Iris Murdoch from 1938 to 1956, that is, from the last pre-war term at Oxford, where all four took a BA, to the term in which Anscombe defended her famous objection to "Mr. Truman’s Degree" at Oxford’s general assembly. Using a wide (...)
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  27. Paradoxien der Kontingenz. Alasdair MacIntyre und Hans Blumenberg auf der Suche nach einer neuen gesellschaftlichen Verbindlichkeit.Maximilian Runge - manuscript
    Since at least Luhmann, contingency – whose conceivability must be reduced to a great extent by means of “reduction of complexity“ in order to assure stability of social and psychological systems – has been an important topos of sociological theory. What is a genuinely philosophical approach of the past decades, on the other hand, is the idea of its conceivability as being conducive for the purpose of individual autonomy. If both assumptions held equally true, collectivity and mature individuality would effectively (...)
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  28. Legge e diritto naturale in Alasdair MacIntyre.G. Cavallo - 2014 - Il Pensare:24-34.
    This paper focuses on the theme of natural rights, as it emerges from the works of Alasdair MacIntyre. In "After Virtue" he argues that «there are no such rights, and belief in them is one with belief in witches and in unicorns», but in later works he endorsed a thomistic view on natural law, which is compatible with the acknowledgment of universal human rights. MacIntyre’s writings contain the premises for an ontological foundation of natural rights, despite his rejection of (...)
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    Vận dụng quan điểm của C. Mác về phân phối theo lao động trong thực hiện nguyên tắc phân phối vì mục tiêu công bằng xã hội của Đảng ta.Nguyễn Mạnh Hổ, Phùng Quang Phát, Bùi Tiến Phúc & Phạm Quang Hải - 2024 - Kinh Tế Và Dự Báo.
    Quan điểm của C. Mác về thực hiện hình thức phân phối theo lao động là nguyên tắc phân phối chủ đạo, là đặc trưng trong chủ nghĩa xã hội (CNXH) - giai đoạn đầu của chủ nghĩa cộng sản, nhằm thực hiện mục tiêu công bằng xã hội. Bài viết phân tích quan điểm của C. Mác về phân phối theo lao động và sự vận dụng của Đảng Cộng sản Việt Nam trong thực hiện phân phối theo lao (...)
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  30. Classification of Smart Home Applications’ Requirements for the MAC Layer.Yasmeen Altujjar & Hala Mokhtar - 2018 - International Journal of Engineering and Information Systems (IJEAIS) 2 (5):13-21.
    Abstract—Smart homes and Wireless Home Automation Networks (WHAN) face several challenges in terms of cost, scalability, reliability, delay, energy consumption and many others. Smart homes typically have huge number of communicating devices. Efficient management of network resources is a major challenge in such environments. This paper provides insights on how to improve the MAC layer in smart home networks to fulfil the requirements of the different smart home applications. It provides a classification of the different smart home applications and identifies (...)
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  31. Thiện cảm tiêu dùng trong ý định mua hàng may mặc Trung Quốc.Lê Thị Hải Hà & Nguyễn Việt Hương - 2024 - Kinh Tế Và Dự Báo.
    Nghiên cứu nhằm kiểm định độ tin cậy của thang đo nhân tố thiện cảm tiêu dùng trong ý định mua hàng may mặc Trung Quốc của người tiêu dùng tại Hà Nội. Các tác giả đã sử dụng phương pháp định lượng, với số liệu được thu thập từ khảo sát thực tế 250 khách hàng là người tiêu dùng tại Hà Nội năm 2022 và hệ số Cronbach’s Anpha để xác định độ tin cậy của 19 biến quan (...)
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  32. Community Thinking in Political Philosophy of Alasdair Macintyre.Hung Vuong Nguyen - 2022 - Universum 7 (86).
    We can consider community as a prism to explore Alasdair MacIntyre's Communitarianism, which is the reasoning problems of self, morality, and justice. In his theory of self, he advocates that the community should be prioritized over the individual, opposing Libertarianism; in moral theory, he asserts that the public interest must take precedence over individual rights, opposing the liberals' view that "rights take precedence over goods"; while in the theory of justice, he upholds the principle of fairness in the distribution (...)
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  33. Commentary: Why Couldn't I Be Nudged to Dislike a Big Mac.Luc Bovens - 2013 - Journal of Medical Ethics 39 (8):495-6.
    In this commentary on Yashar Saghai's article "Salvaging the Concept of Nudge" (JME 2013) I discuss his distinction between a 'prod' (which is 'substantially controlling') and a 'nudge' (which is ‘substantially non-controlling’).
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  34. Ethik ohne Letztbegründung? Zu den nicht-fundamentalistischen Ansätzen von Alasdair MacIntyre und Jeffrey Stout.Zoll Patrick - 2010 - Wuerzburg: Koenigshausen & Neumann.
    Dieses Buch stellt mit Alasdair MacIntyres After virtue und Jeffrey Stouts Ethics after Babel zwei grundlegende Werke der anglo-amerikanischen Moralphilosophie vor. Beide Autoren behaupten, dass wir moralische Konflikte nicht lösen können, weil unsere liberale Gesellschaft von einem Ethikmodell ausgeht, das auf falschen erkenntnistheoretischen Voraussetzungen fußt. Der Fehler eines liberalen Ethikansatzes liegt ihrer Ansicht nach darin, dass er versucht, diese Konflikte durch eine Letztbegründung ethischer Prinzipien zu lösen. Im Gegensatz zu einem solchen „fundamentalistischen“ Modell der Ethikbegründung argumen-tieren Stout und MacIntyre, (...)
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  35. Justiça e Racionalidade Prática–reflexões a partir da obra de Alasdair MacIntyre.Cleber Francisco Alves & Antonio Cavalcanti Maia - 2005 - In Antonio Cavalcanti Maia (ed.), Perspectivas atuais da filosofia do direito. Rio de Janeiro: Editora Lumen Juris.
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  36. Valoración ética de la Modernidad según Alasdair MacIntyre. [REVIEW]Jorge Martín Montoya Camacho - 2022 - Scientia et Fides 10 (1):281-291.
    ¿Puede ser comprendida la moralidad aisladamente de los órdenes sociales, culturales, políticos y económicos en los que surge y se desarrolla? ¿El interés intelectual por la moralidad de nuestro tiempo requiere algo más que el análisis de teorías éticas? Las respuestas de Alasdair MacIntyre a estas preguntas se muestran a través del trabajo de toda una vida, en la que ha desarrollado un análisis ético de la Modernidad. El libro «Valoración ética de la modernidad según Alasdair MacIntyre», de (...)
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  37. Review of Alasdair Cochrane’s Animal Rights Without Liberation. [REVIEW]Rainer Ebert - 2015 - Journal of Animal Ethics 5 (1):114-116.
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  38. Ethics in the Conflicts of Modernity: An Essay on Desire, Practical Reasoning, and Narrative, by Alasdair MacIntyre. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2016. 332 pp. ISBN: 978-1107176454. [REVIEW]Matthew Sinnicks - 2018 - Business Ethics Quarterly 28 (1):106-109.
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  39. Nitzan Lebovic: The Philosophy of Life and Death. Ludwig Klages and the Rise of a Nazi Biopolitics. Palgrave Mac Millan, New York 2013, 301 S. [REVIEW]Johannes Steizinger - 2015 - Weimarer Beiträge 2015 (1):156−160.
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  40. Sentientist Politics: A Theory of Global Inter-Species Justice; By Alasdair Cochrane. [REVIEW]Kyle Johannsen - 2020 - Journal of Moral Philosophy 17 (5):575-8.
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  41. Patriotism and Character: Some Aristotelian Observations.Noell Birondo - 2020 - In Mitja Sardoč (ed.), Handbook of Patriotism. Cham, Switzerland: Springer.
    This chapter defends an Aristotelian account of patriotism that differs from, and improves upon, the ‘extreme’ account of Aristotelian patriotism defended by Alasdair MacIntyre in a famous lecture. The virtue of patriotism is modeled on Aristotle’s account of the virtue of friendship; and the resulting account of patriotism falls between MacIntyre’s extreme patriotism and Marcia Baron’s moderate patriotism. The chapter illustrates how this plausible Aristotelian account of patriotism can avoid the dilemma that Baron has pressed against MacIntyre’s extreme account. (...)
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  42. Three Rival Versions of the Relationship of Religion to Modernity.David McPherson - 2018 - Journal of Religion and Society:11-32.
    This essay explores Bernard Williams’s portrayal of his, Alasdair MacIntyre’s, and Charles Taylor’s views on how to move in relationship to religion in our modern world: backward in it (MacIntyre), forward in it (Taylor), and out of it (Williams). I contend that this portrayal is not entirely accurate in each case, though there is some truth in it, and that looking at each author’s view on the relationship of religion to modernity is instructive for those of us who wish (...)
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  43. The Philosophy of Management Today.David Carl Wilson - 2023 - Philosophy of Management 22 (4):493-503.
    This essay reviews the recently released Handbook of Philosophy of Management, using it as a jumping off point to explore some potential confusions in contemporary philosophy of management. The handbook itself, comprising 58 articles and some 1,000 pages, is a milestone for the field. At the same time, it brings a few problems into sharp relief. I argue for more clarity about the distinction between the philosophy of management and the philosophy of management research. I make the case that logic (...)
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  44. (1 other version)Tradycja, racjonalność, praktyka - w kręgu pozytywnej filozofii Alasdaira MacIntyre'a.Kamil Aksiuto - 2012 - Civitas 14:179-206.
    This article deals with the key concepts - practice, narrative unity of a human life and tradition - in what might be described as a positive, constructive side of Alasdair MacIntyre's philosophical contribution.
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  45. MacIntyre, Narratives, and Environmental Ethics.Arran E. Gare - 1998 - Environmental Ethics 20 (1):3-21.
    While environmental philosophers have been striving to extend ethics to deal with future generations and nonhuman life forms, very little work has been undertaken to address what is perhaps a more profound deficiency in received ethical doctrines, that they have very little impact on how people live. I explore Alasdair MacIntyre’s work on narratives and traditions and defend a radicalization of his arguments as a direction for making environmental ethics efficacious.
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  46. Nỗ lực chống biến đổi khí hậu của ta đã thật sự hiệu quả chưa?Lã Việt Phương & Nguyễn Minh Hoàng - manuscript
    Mặc dù vẫn còn những nghi ngờ về sự thay đổi khí hậu trong một số tài liệu nghiên cứu, sự đồng thuận mạnh mẽ trong cộng đồng khoa học vẫn xác định rằng nhiệt độ bề mặt toàn cầu đã tăng trong vài thập kỷ gần đây. Biến đổi khí hậu, chủ yếu là kết quả của hoạt động con người, đang trở thành một trong những thách thức toàn cầu cấp bách nhất của thời đại chúng ta. Trong (...)
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  47. The Grounds of Human Rights.Brian Slattery - manuscript
    What is the rational foundation for the doctrine of universal human rights? Some philosophers, such as Alan Gewirth, argue that it may be discovered simply by reflection on certain essential features of the human constitution. However this approach has significant problems, achieving its ends by smuggling certain tacit premises into the argument. A better approach is one that appeals to the communal practices and traditions within which doctrines of human rights have evolved historically. It is here that Alasdair MacIntyre's (...)
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  48. A Diagnosis of Self-Malaise: On MacIntyre’s After Virtue.José Luis Fernández - 2022 - In Francis Fallon (ed.), Insights Into Ethical Theory and Practice: Principia Eclectica. Cambridge Scholars Publishing. pp. 118-131.
    Alasdair MacIntyre’s work in ethics follows in the footsteps of twentieth century efforts to put the ideals of Enlightenment and modernity on trial, and his book After Virtue diagnoses a wide-spread malaise in contemporary moral discourse. As a corrective to this condition, MacIntyre offers a remedy along Aristotelian-Thomistic lines. He specifically conceives of a recovery of these lines that would allow for a common ground in moral debates which would reveal the normative and teleological character of the human good. (...)
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  49. MacIntyre and Kovesi on the Nature of Moral Concepts.Alan Tapper & R. E. Ewin - 2012 - In Alan Tapper & T. Brian Mooney (eds.), Meaning and morality: essays on the philosophy of Julius Kovesi. Leiden: Brill. pp. 123-37.
    Julius Kovesi was a moral philosopher contemporary with Alasdair MacIntyre, and dealing with many of the same questions as MacIntyre. In our view, Kovesi’s moral philosophy is rich in ideas and worth revisiting. MacIntyre agrees: Kovesi’s Moral Notions, he has said, is ‘a minor classic in moral philosophy that has not yet received its due’. Kovesi was not a thinker whose work fits readily into any one tradition. Unlike the later MacIntyre, he was not a Thomistic Aristotelian, nor even (...)
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  50. It’s a Three-Ring Circus: How Morally Educative Practices Are Undermined by Institutions.Ron Beadle & Matthew Sinnicks - forthcoming - Business Ethics Quarterly:1-27.
    Since the publication of Alasdair MacIntyre’s After Virtue in 1981, tensions inherent to the relationship between morally educative practices and the institutions that house them have been widely noted. We propose a taxonomy of the ways in which the pursuit of external goods by institutions undermines the pursuit of the internal goods of practices. These comprise substitution, where the institution replaces the pursuit of one type of good by another; frustration, where opportunities for practitioners to discover goods or develop (...)
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